Dear Friends and Supporters of the Warriors Journey Home Community:
As Warriors Journey Home nears its twentieth anniversary, our organization realizes that an entirely new generation of military veterans has experienced what our founder, John M. Schluep, describes as the Warriors Journey.
We also recognize that the new generation’s Warriors Journey, while similar, is not identical to earlier encounters – for example, later generations have served in an all-volunteer military force.
To maintain the mission of Warriors Journey Home going forward, we are asking for your sincere input, to better understand how to reasonably fulfill the service needs of our community and meet the expectations of our donors. In other words, we want to get better acquainted.
The attached survey should take less than ten minutes to complete. Your feedback is significant to the future direction of Warriors Journey Home.
A timely response before October 31st is graciously appreciated. Please be assured that your replies will remain anonymous and confidential.
If you have any questions or feedback regarding our community survey, please contact me directly at (678) 428-7478 or at johnccaravella@gmail.com.
Thank you again for your participation and support.
John C. Caravella
Development Chair
Warriors Journey Home
Warriors Journey Home Ministry, Inc. is a non-profit tax-exempt corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code.
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