Rally Point Circle at Wadsworth Trinity UCC
Warriors Journey Home will provide a Rally Point Circle for confidential exchanges of stories about military service. This is a program that Warriors Journey Home began in 2003 to provide a safe place for veterans coming home to talk about their experiences, challenges, and general understandings of life in the military, and coming home. It is also open to veterans’ family members and people of strong heart.
First Sunday of Each Month
6:00 PM
Trinity United Church of Christ
215 High Street
Wadsworth, OH 44281
The Rally Point Circle is facilitated by a WJH veteran. We are not: Therapists. Counselors. Psychologists. Social Workers. We are veterans who have banded together to support one another by listening, telling our story, and discovering healing from the invisible injuries, while also discovering the wisdom and growth that is born from experience. The group meeting:
- Is small, no more than 10 persons. Additional groups will be added as needed.
- What is brought up in the group, stays in the group.
- Protective and safe. The facilitator and group members look out for one another.
- No judgment. No criticism. No advice (unless requested). No politics. No religion.
- We recognize that each person is a soul, an embodied soul, and that we are in kinship with one another. WJH Rally Point Circle is spiritual.
Contact: Karl Nejdl: (330) 203-8044 or Knejdl1371@icloud.com
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